Mediation and Collaborative Law


Mediators provide a service to couples to assist them in making their own decisions and resolving their dispute amicably. The mediator does not give legal advice within the process and is there to support and facilitate the couple in their discussions. If expert advice is needed, it can be sought separate to the mediation process and then incorporated in a mediated agreement between the parties.

We typically advise clients to obtain legal advice prior to entering into the mediation process. If the process is successful and terms of agreement are agreed in principle, then each party must engage a solicitor to draw up and conclude the Separation Agreement.

Mediation is confidential and can be very cost effective.

Collaborative Law

Confidential negotiations take place in a series of meetings with both the husband and wife and their respective solicitors present. The parties work together to arrive at a resolution on all family law issues. 

This approach allows the parties control of the final outcome, in lieu of a decision imposed by the Court. The Collaborative Family Law model focuses on the parties’ interests and aims to allow everyone to maintain their dignity, lessen hostility, and reduce negative impact on children. Kerry Clear is a qualified collaborative law practitioner and can advise and assist clients with this process.

Contact us today to discuss your requirements.

Feel free to contact us in confidence at any stage to discuss your legal requirements
and one of our experienced and friendly team will assist you.